





From the history of physics

Ascending diffusion and the diffusion aftereffect

The history of the discovery and investigation of ascending diffusion and the diffusion aftereffect is described. The role of V. S. Gorskii (1905--1941) in the discovery and study of these effects is discussed. A brief presentation of V. S. Gorskii's biography and the content of his pioneering work (1934--1935) on this problem is given. Diffusion inelasticity and equilibrium segregation are discussed within the framework of V. S. Gorskii's ideas. Kinetic segregation, which appears in situations when an alloy contains an active source of vacancies and the diffusion of the components of the alloy is directly proportional to the different partial diffusion coefficients is discussed in the concluding section.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU1986v029n05ABEH003386
PACS: 66.30.Jt, 64.75.+g, 61.72.Ji (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1986v029n05ABEH003386
Citation: Geguzin Ya E "Ascending diffusion and the diffusion aftereffect" Sov. Phys. Usp. 29 467–473 (1986)
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PT Journal Article
TI Ascending diffusion and the diffusion aftereffect
AU Geguzin Ya E
FAU Geguzin YE
DP 10 May, 1986
TA Phys. Usp.
VI 29
IP 5
PG 467-473
RX 10.1070/PU1986v029n05ABEH003386
SO Phys. Usp. 1986 May 10;29(5):467-473

Оригинал: Гегузин Я Е «Восходящая диффузия и диффузионное последействие» УФН 149 149–159 (1986); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0149.198605f.0149

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