





Reviews of topical problems

Spectra and kinetics of systems with magnetic-impurity states in a potential with finite range

The results of theoretical and experimental investigations of the spectra of and the kinetic phenomena occurring in materials with magnetic-impurity states on impurities with a finite-range potential are reviewed. The spectra of magnetic-impurity states for different types of negative ions in strong magnetic fields are studied: weakly bound electron with an isotropic effective mass, negative ion with a markedly anisotropic electronic energy spectrum, and the H$^-$ system. The current status of the theory of transverse galvanomagnetic phenomena, stemming from the interaction of carriers with neutral impurities having a potential with a finite range, is discussed. Current theoretical and experimental results concerning oscillation effects in quantizing magnetic fields on different types of negative ions in semimetals and semiconductors are compared.

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PACS: 75.30.Hx, 71.18.+y, 72.20.My, 72.20.Jv, 71.70.Di (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1984v027n06ABEH004173
Citation: Andreev S P "Spectra and kinetics of systems with magnetic-impurity states in a potential with finite range" Sov. Phys. Usp. 27 431–447 (1984)
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Оригинал: Андреев С П «Спектры и кинетика систем с магнитопримесными состояниями при конечном радиусе потенциала» УФН 143 213–238 (1984); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0143.198406b.0213

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