





Reviews of topical problems

Gamma astronomy of the Sun and study of solar cosmic rays

A detailed discussion is given of the various nuclear reactions proceeding in the Sun's atmosphere under the influence of flare-accelerated particles. The role of such reactions in formation of the line spectrum and continuum of gamma-rays from the disturbed and quiet Sun is discussed. The gamma-ray fluxes in individual lines and in the continuum are estimated. The possibility of applying data on gamma-ray emission from the Sun to analysis of particle acceleration in solar flares and the conditions of their ejection into interplanetary space is analyzed.

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PACS: 96.60.Rd, 96.60.Tf, 96.60.Vg (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1982v025n06ABEH004562
Citation: Kuzhevskii B M "Gamma astronomy of the Sun and study of solar cosmic rays" Sov. Phys. Usp. 25 392–408 (1982)
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Оригинал: Кужевский Б М «Гамма-астрономия Солнца и исследование солнечных космических лучей» УФН 137 237–265 (1982); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0137.198206b.0237

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