Detection of single atoms and nuclei by methods of laser spectroscopy
V.S. Letokhov Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Fizicheskaya 5, Troitsk, Moscow, 108840, Russian Federation
PACS:01.10.Fv DOI:10.1070/PU1979v022n04ABEH005442 URL: Citation: Letokhov V S "Detection of single atoms and nuclei by methods of laser spectroscopy" Sov. Phys. Usp.22 290–291 (1979)
RT Journal
T1 Detection of single atoms and nuclei by methods of laser spectroscopy
A1 Letokhov,V.S.
PB Physics-Uspekhi
PY 1979
FD 10 Apr, 1979
JF Physics-Uspekhi
JO Phys. Usp.
VO 22
IS 4
SP 290-291
DO 10.1070/PU1979v022n04ABEH005442