





Reviews of topical problems

The Hanle effect

The history of the discovery, study, and explanation of the effect discovered fifty years ago by the German physicist Hanle and its development and generalization by the French school of physicists led by Kastler are described. The effect is observed optically in an increase in the degree of depolarization of the resonance fluorescence. It is studied in the range of magnetic fields in which the Zeeman splitting of the atomic magnetic sublevels does not exceed the level widths determined by thermal relaxation mechanisms and electromagnetic interaction. It is a direct optical manifestation of interference of degenerate atomic states and is intimately connected with the conservation law for the angular momentum of the photon-atom system. In the review, different applications of the effect to the measurement of mean lifetimes, linewidths, and Stark splitting constants of atoms in excited states are given. The resonance scattering of light by atoms in the ground state in a weak magnetic field is considered in detail--in particular, in the presence of radio-frequency magnetic fields oriented in different ways. The different possible types of parametric resonances in one or two radio-frequency fields for arbitrary orientation of the constant magnetic field are interpreted as the effect of crossing of the levels of an atom that is ``dressed'' by the radio-frequency field. Applications of the effect in the quantum magnetometry of ultraweak fields (down to 10$^{-10}$ Oe) are examined.

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PACS: 32.80.Bx, 32.70.Jz, 32.70.Cs, 32.60.+i, 32.50.+d (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1975v017n04ABEH004426
Citation: Novikov L N, Skrotskii G V, Solomakho G I "The Hanle effect" Sov. Phys. Usp. 17 542–558 (1975)
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Оригинал: Новиков Л Н, Скроцкий Г В, Соломахо Г И «Эффект Ханле» УФН 113 597–625 (1974); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0113.197408b.0597

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