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Investigation of the Electronic Mechanism of Isomorphic Phase Transitions Using the ’Chemical’ Shifts of X-Ray Lines.

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PACS: 64.70.−p
DOI: 10.1070/PU1974v017n03ABEH004100
Citation: Sumbaev O I, Shaburov V A, Band I M, Sovestnov A E, Petrovich E V, Smirnov Yu P, Trzhaskovskaya M B "Investigation of the Electronic Mechanism of Isomorphic Phase Transitions Using the 'Chemical' Shifts of X-Ray Lines." Sov. Phys. Usp. 17 461–462 (1974)
BibTexBibNote ® (generic)BibNote ® (RIS)MedlineRefWorks
	author = {O. I. Sumbaev and V. A. Shaburov and I. M. Band and A. E. Sovestnov and E. V. Petrovich and Yu. P. Smirnov and M. B. Trzhaskovskaya},
	title = {Investigation of the Electronic Mechanism of Isomorphic Phase Transitions Using the "Chemical" Shifts of X-Ray Lines.},
	publisher = {Physics-Uspekhi},
	year = {1974},
	journal = {Phys. Usp.},
	volume = {17},
	number = {3},
	pages = {461-462},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.1070/PU1974v017n03ABEH004100}

Оригинал: Сумбаев О И, Шабуров В А, Банд И М, Совестнов А Е, Петрович Е В, Смирнов Ю П, Тржасковская М Б «Исследование электронного механизма изоморфных фазовых переходов методом ‘химических’ смещений рентгеновских линий» УФН 113 357–358 (1974); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0113.197406s.0357

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