





Reviews of topical problems

Influence of pressure on the Fermi surface of metals

1. Introduction 438
2. Methods of obtaining high pressures for the study of the energy spectrum of metals 439
3. Influence of crystal-lattice parameters on the energy spectrum of the electrons in a metal from the point of view of the concepts of the pseudopotential and the almost-free-electron model 441
4. Change of the Fermi surfaces of metals under hydrostatic compression 442
5. Metals with cubic lattice 442
6. Metals with hexagonal close-packed lattice 446
7. Semimetals 448
8. Changes of Fermi surfaces of metals under unilateral deformation 451
9. Conclusion 542
Cited literature 453

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1972v014n04ABEH004731
Citation: Brandt N B, Itskevich E S, Minina N Ya "Influence of pressure on the Fermi surface of metals" Sov. Phys. Usp. 14 438–454 (1972)
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Оригинал: Брандт Н Б, Ицкевич Е С, Минина Н Я «Влияние давления на поверхности Ферми металлов» УФН 104 459–488 (1971); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0104.197107d.0459

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