





Reviews of topical problems

Criteria for wave growth

a National Scientific Centre ‘Kharkov Physicotechnical Institute’, ul. Akademicheskaya 1, Kharkov, 310108, Ukraine

1. Introduction 278
2. Absolute and Convective Instability 278
3. Amplification and Nontransmission of Oscillations 280
4. Sturrock's Rules 282
5. Global Instability 284
Cited Literature 285

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU1971v014n03ABEH004700
PACS: 52.35.Qz, 52.35.Fp (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1971v014n03ABEH004700
Citation: Akhiezer A I, Polovin R V "Criteria for wave growth" Sov. Phys. Usp. 14 278–285 (1971)
BibTexBibNote ® (generic)BibNote ® (RIS)MedlineRefWorks

Îðèãèíàë: Àõèåçåð À È, Ïîëîâèí Ð Â «Êðèòåðèè íàðàñòàíèÿ âîëí» ÓÔÍ 104 185–200 (1971); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0104.197106a.0185

Cited by (35) Similar articles (20) ↓

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  3. A.V. Timofeev “Cyclotron oscillations of plasma in an inhomogeneous magnetic field16 445–458 (1974)
  4. M.V. Nezlin “Instability of beams of charged particles in a Plasma13 608–627 (1971)
  5. A.A. Rukhadze, V.P. Silin “Kinetic theory of drift-dissipative instabilities of a plasma11 659–677 (1969)
  6. V.E. Golant, A.D. Piliya “Linear transformation and absorption of waves in a Plasma14 413–437 (1972)
  7. A.F. Volkov, Sh.M. Kogan “Physical phenomena in semiconductors with negative differential conductivity11 881–903 (1969)
  8. M.S. Ioffe, B.B. Kadomtsev “Plasma containment in adiabatic traps13 225–246 (1970)
  9. B.B. Kadomtsev “Landau damping and echo in a plasma11 328–337 (1968)
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  11. A.B. Shmelev “Wave Scattering by Statistically Uneven Surfaces15 173–183 (1972)
  12. B.B. Kadomtsev “Plasma instability and controlled thermonuclear reactions10 127–130 (1967)
  13. E.A. Kaner, V.M. Yakovenko “Hydrodynamic instability in solid-state plasma18 21–36 (1975)
  14. E.F. Sheka “Electron-vibrational spectra of molecules and crystals14 484–511 (1972)
  15. D.A. Kirzhnits, Yu.E. Lozovik “Plasma oscillations of the electron shell of the atom9 340–345 (1966)
  16. N.L. Aleksandrov, A.P. Napartovich “Phenomena in gases and plasmas with negative ions36 (3) 107–128 (1993)
  17. V.V. Vladimirov “The pinch effect in a solid-state plasma18 690–711 (1975)
  18. A.A. Vedenov, A.M. Dykhne, M.D. Frank-Kamenetskii “The helix-coil transition in DNA14 715–736 (1972)
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