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The isotope effect in the spectra of the heavy elements

CONTENTS[br] Introduction 658[br] I. Experimental Data on the Isotope Shift 659[br] 1. The Isotope Shift in the Spectra of Strontium, Zirconium, Molybdenum, and other Intermediate Elements 659[br] 2. The Isotope Shift in the Spectra of Isotopes of Heavy Elements of Neutron Numbers 82-126. 662[br] 3. The Isotope Shift in the Spectra of the Actinide Elements 666[br] II. Theory of the isotope Shift in the Spectra of the Heavy Elements 668[br] III. Comparison of the Theory of the Isotope Shift with Experiment 670[br] Bibliography 671[br]

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1968v010n05ABEH005851
Citation: Golovin A F, Striganov A R "The isotope effect in the spectra of the heavy elements" Sov. Phys. Usp. 10 658–677 (1968)
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Оригинал: Головин А Ф, Стриганов А Р «Изотопический эффект в спектрах тяжелых элементов» УФН 93 111–150 (1967); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0093.196709e.0111

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