





Reviews of topical problems

Optical study of the characteristics of shock-compressed condensed dielectrics

Introduction 229
I. Study of the optical characteristics of shock-compressed condensed materials, and of the structure and smoothness of the fronts of large-amplitude shock waves
1. Experimental procedure 231
2. Front thickness and smoothness of shock waves in condensed inert and explosive substances 232
3. Density dependence of the refractive index of liquid dielectrics. Anomalous behavior of shock-compressed carbon tetrachloride 234
4. Investigation of the optical properties of shock-compressed ionic crystals. Nonequilibrium states 235
5. Optical study of elastoplastic waves in glass 237
6. Phase transition of water into ice VII under shock compression 238
II. Equilibrium radiation of the shock-wave front. Experimental determination of temperatures.
7. Possibility of temperature measurement in shock-compressed condensed materials. Principle of the method 240
8. Measurement of temperatures of shock-compressed ionic crystals and establishment of their melting curves for pressures up to 0.5-3 Mbar 241
9. Measurement of temperatures of shock-compressed lucite and carbon tetrachloride 245
III. Absorption of light by shock-compressed ionic crystals. Absorption and conduction mechanism.
10. Experimental determination of the absorption coefficient 245
11. Mechanisms of light absorption and conduction in shock-compressed ionic crystals 246
IV. Nonequilibrium radiation of shock-compressed ionic crystals 248
12. Nonequilibrium radiation at low temperatures. Electroluminescence of shock-compressed substances 248
13. Nonequilibrium radiation at high temperatures. Electronic screening of the radiation 249
References 251

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1968v011n02ABEH003814
Citation: Kormer S B "Optical study of the characteristics of shock-compressed condensed dielectrics" Sov. Phys. Usp. 11 229–254 (1968)
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Оригинал: Кормер С Б «Оптические исследования свойств ударно сжатых конденсированных диэлектриков» УФН 94 641–687 (1968); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0094.196804c.0641

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