





Reviews of topical problems

Gas laser in a magnetic field

I. Magnetooptical effects in a gas laser 837
1. Introductory remarks (837). 2. Principles of theory of a gas laser in a magnetic field (838). 3. Influence of magnetic field on the intensity (841). 4. Beats in a magnetic field (844). 5. Polarization effects (847). 6. Use of the Zeeman effect for broad-band variation of gas-laser frequency (850). 7. Stabilization of the frequency of a single-mode gas laser with the aid of a magnetic field (851).
II. Plasma-optical effects in a gas laser in the presence of a magnetic field 853
8. Influence of magnetic field on the pumping (high-frequency pumping and dc pumping) (854). 9. Electron cyclotron resonance in a gas-discharge laser (microwave pumping) (856).
Cited literature 857

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1967v009n06ABEH003227
Citation: D’yakonov M I, Fridrikhov S A "Gas laser in a magnetic field" Sov. Phys. Usp. 9 837–859 (1967)
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Оригинал: Дьяконов М И, Фридрихов С А «Газовый лазер в магнитном поле» УФН 90 565–600 (1966); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0090.196612a.0565

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