





Reviews of topical problems

Holography and interference processing of information

Introduction 643
I. Fresnel-transform Holography 644
1. Formulation of Problem (644). 2. The Holography Scheme (645). 3. Read and Virtual Images (646). 4. Bleached Hologram (647). 5. Dynamic Range of Hologram (647). Holographic Microscope (647). 7. Hologram in a Thick Emulsion (648). 8. Color Holography (648).
II. Interference Processing of Information 649
1. Spatial Filtering of the Structure of an Optical Image (649). 2. Optical Multiplication Scheme (650). 3. Integral Operations in Optics (651). 4. Complex-conjugate Filter (651). 5. Optical Correlator—Prototype of the Computer of the Future (653).
III. Fourier-transform Holography 654
1. Resolving Power of the hologram (654). 2. Fourier-Fraunhofer hologram (655). 3. Lensless Fourier Hologram (655). 4. Amplitude Addition and Subtraction with the Aid of a Fourier hologram (656). 5. Extended Source (657).
IV. Holography of Incoherent Objects 658 Is It Possible? (658). 2. The First Experiment (658).
V. Associative Memory 659
1. Interference Memory and Phantom Images (659). 2. Three-dimensional Storage Technique (660). 3. Associative Memory (661).
VI. Applications of Holography 662
1. Certain Schemes of Holographic Installations (662). 2. High Speed Holography (663). 3. Holographic Spectroscope (663). 4. Processing of Geophysical Data (664). 5. Holographic Interferometer (664). 6. Optical "Reader" (665). 7. Electro-optical Converter in Radar (666).
Conclusion 667
Cited literature 667

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1967v009n05ABEH003209
Citation: Soroko L M "Holography and interference processing of information" Sov. Phys. Usp. 9 643–669 (1967)
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Оригинал: Сороко Л М «Голография и интерференционная обработка информации» УФН 90 3–46 (1966); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0090.196609a.0003

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