





Reviews of topical problems

Radiospectroscopy of organic semiconductors

a Kaliningrad State University, ul. Nevskogo 14, Kaliningrad, 236041, Russian Federation

I. Introduction 237
II. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Organic Semiconductors 238
1. EPR Observation of Triplet States of Organic Crystals 238
2. Triplet Excitons in Charge-transfer Complexes and Other Organic Semiconductors 240
3. Activation Energy of Singlet-triplet Transitions and Width of the Forbidden Band 245
III. Nuclear Quadrupole and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Organic Semiconductors 247
1. Study of the Nature of Chemical Bonds in Charge-transfer Complexes 247
2. Temperature Dependence of Frequencies 249
3. Temperature Dependence of Relaxation Times 251
IV. Conclusion 252
Bibliography 253

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1967v010n02ABEH003241
Citation: Grechishkin V S, Ainbinder N E "Radiospectroscopy of organic semiconductors" Sov. Phys. Usp. 10 237–255 (1967)
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Оригинал: Гречишкин В С, Айнбиндер Н Е «Радиоспектроскопия органических полупроводников» УФН 91 645–675 (1967); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0091.196704c.0645

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