





Reviews of topical problems

Motion and spreading of inhomogeneities in a plasma

a Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prosp. 53, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation

a) Fundamental Equations 215
b) Kinetic Coefficients 216
1. Diffusion Spreading of Inhomogeneities
1.1. Equation of Ambipolar Diffusion in a Plasma Situated in a Magnetic Field 218
1.2. Solution of Equation of Ambipolar Diffusion. Diffusion Coefficient 220
a) Weakly Ionized Plasma 220
b) Arbitrary Degree of Ionization 221
c) Polarization of Inhomogeneity. Perturbations of Magnetic Field 222
1.3. Spreading of Small Disturbances. Green's Function 223
a) Small Distances 223
b) Asymptotic Behavior 223
c) Form of Inhomogeneity 224
d) Lifetime of Inhomogeneity 225
1.4. Influence of Motion of Neutral Molecules and of Solenoidal Electric Field 225
a) Motion of Molecules 225
b) Solenoidal Electric Field 226
c) Establishment of Quasineutral State 227
2. Moving Inhomogeneities
2.1. Equation of Motion of Inhomogeneities 228
2.2. Solution of Equation of Motion 229
a) Velocity of Ambipolar Drift 229
b) Plasma in Electric Field 230
2.3. Spreading and Shape of Moving Inhomogeneities 231
a) Green's Function. Dispersion Mechanism of Spreading 231
b) Shape and Lifetime of Inhomogeneity 232
Concluding Remarks 234
Bibliography 234

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PACS: 52.25.Fi, 52.25.Dg, 52.25.Jm (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1967v010n02ABEH003240
Citation: Gurevich A V, Tsedilina E E "Motion and spreading of inhomogeneities in a plasma" Sov. Phys. Usp. 10 214–236 (1967)
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Оригинал: Гуревич А В, Цедилина Е Е «Движение и расплывание неоднородностей в плазме» УФН 91 609–643 (1967); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0091.196704b.0609

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