Statistical acceleration of particles in a turbulent plasma
V.N. Tsytovich Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Vavilova 38, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
CONTENTS Introduction 370 I. General characteristics of statistical acceleration 371 II. Theory of statistical acceleration 380 III. Application of acceleration mechanisms 394 Appendices 399 Bibliography 401
PACS:52.35.Ra, 52.35.Mw (all) DOI:10.1070/PU1966v009n03ABEH002888 URL: Citation: Tsytovich V N "Statistical acceleration of particles in a turbulent plasma" Sov. Phys. Usp.9 370–404 (1966)
PT Journal Article
TI Statistical acceleration of particles in a turbulent plasma
AU Tsytovich V N
FAU Tsytovich VN
DP 10 Mar, 1966
TA Phys. Usp.
VI 9
IP 3
PG 370-404
RX 10.1070/PU1966v009n03ABEH002888
SO Phys. Usp. 1966 Mar 10;9(3):370-404