





Reviews of topical problems

Detonation waves in gases

1. Introduction 523
2. Structure of detonation wave 524
2.1. Stationary zone of chemical reaction 524
2.2. Rarefaction wave 525
2.3. The Chapman-Jouguet condition 526
2.4. Diverging and converging detonation waves 526
3. Experimental methods for the study of the state of the gas behind the detonation front 527
3.1. Measurement of pressure (pulsed piezoelectric transducers) 527
3.2. Measurement of gas density 528
3.3. Measurement of gas temperature (generalized method of spectral line inversion) 528
3.4. Determination of the chemical composition and concentrations of individual mixture components 529
4. Features of ignition of gas behind a shock wave 529
4.1. The induction period 529
4.2. Determination of kinetic reaction parameters 531
4.3. Formation of detonation front 531
5. Transition from combustion to detonation in gases 532
5.1. Gas dynamic scheme of formation of detonation in a tube 532
5.2. Calculation of the state of the mixture ahead of the flame front 532
5.3. Compression wave and adiabatic self-ignition 533
5.4. Interaction of flame with shock wave 533
6. Oscillations of gas behind the detonation front 534
6.1. Causes of oscillating combustion mode 534
6.2. Properties of transverse waves 535
6.3. Acoustic theory of spin detonation 536
6.4. Structure of spin detonation front 536
6.5. State of gas in a detonation wave with account of transverse pulsations 537
7. Detonation in stationary gas stream 537
7.1. Combustion of gas behind a stationary shock wave 537
7.2. Stationary spin detonation 538
7.3. Pulsating combustion behind a Shockwave in a supersonic stream 538
8. Conclusion 538
9. Literature 539

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PACS: 47.40.Rs, 47.40.Nm, 82.33.Vx, 47.70.Fw, 47.70.Pq (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1964v006n04ABEH003586
Citation: Soloukhin R I "Detonation waves in gases" Sov. Phys. Usp. 6 523–541 (1964)
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Оригинал: Солоухин Р И «Детонационные волны в газах» УФН 80 525–550 (1963); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0080.196308a.0525

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