





Reviews of topical problems

Light scattering as a method of studying polymers

Introduction 270
1. Basic Ideas of the Theory of Light Scattering by Polymer Solutions 271
2. Scattering in Solutions of Small Particles 273
3. Scattering in Solutions of Large Particles 274
4. Interpretation of Experimental Data 276
5. Dimensions and Flexibility of Macromolecules 279
6. The Study of Polydispersity 285
7. The Study of Branching of Chain Molecules 287
8. The Scattering Indicatrix and Volume Effects in Polymer Chains 289
9. The Study of Macromolecules Having Rigid Chains 291
10. The Study of Stereospecific Macromolecules 294
11. The Study of Copolymers 294
12. The Study of Intermolecular Interactions (Second Virial Coefficient) 298
Conclusions 301
Bibliography 301

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1964v007n02ABEH003664
Citation: Eskin V E "Light scattering as a method of studying polymers" Sov. Phys. Usp. 7 270–304 (1964)
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Оригинал: Эскин В Е «Светорассеяние как метод исследования полимеров» УФН 82 649–706 (1964); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0082.196404b.0649

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