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Spark detectors for charged particles

I. Spark Counters 429
1. General Description of Spark Counters 429
2. Counting Characteristic 429
3. Counter Efficiency 431
4. Time Characteristics of Counters 431
5. Accuracy of Particle Trajectory Coordinate Measurement 432
II. Triggered Spark Counters 435
6. Operating Principle of Triggered Spark Counters 435
7. Counting Characteristic 436
8. Time Characteristics 437
9. The Counter as a Track Instrument. The Counter in a Magnetic Field. Simultaneous Registration of Several Particles 439
10. Remarks Concerning Construction Features 440
11. New Variant of Triggered Pulse Supply for Counters 440
III. Discharge and Spark Chambers 441
12. Introduction 441
13. New Type of Particle Detector–"Discharge Chamber" 441
14. Spark Chamber. Counting Characteristic of the Spark Chamber 444
15. Time Characteristics of the Spark Chamber 446
16. Simultaneous Registration of Several Particles 447
17. Deviation of the Spark from the Particle Trajectory 448
18. Succession of Sparks Along the Particle Track 449
19. Spark Chamber in a Magnetic Field 451
20. Spark Chamber Constructions 452
21. Effect of Additives in the Working Gas on the Characteristics of Spark Chambers 453
22. Features of Photography of Particle Tracks in Discharge and Spark Chambers 454
23. Microwave Chamber 454
IV. Applications of Discharge and Spark Chambers 455
24. Comparison of Spark Chamber with Other Particle Detectors 455
25. Applications of Spark Chambers 455
Literature 457

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PACS: 29.40.Gx
DOI: 10.1070/PU1963v006n03ABEH003597
Citation: Daion M I, Leksin G A "Spark detectors for charged particles" Sov. Phys. Usp. 6 428–458 (1963)
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Оригинал: Дайон М И, Лексин Г А «Искровые детекторы заряженных частиц» УФН 80 281–329 (1963); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0080.196306h.0281

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