





Reviews of topical problems

Paramagnetic absorption of sound

1. Introduction 880
2. Resonant paramagnetic absorption of sound 881
3. Crystals containing ions of the iron group 881
4. Ions with an effective spin S' > 1/2 883
5. Effect on Ni2+ ions in an MgO crystal 885
6. Ions with effective spin S' = 1/2 886
7. Crystals containing ions of the rare earth elements 886
8. Crystals containing paramagnetic ions in S-states 888
9. The Waller mechanism 888
10. Acoustic paramagnetic resonance and spin-lattice relaxation in ionic crystals 889
11. Metals 890
12. Experimental investigations of electronic acoustic paramagnetic resonance 891
13. Acoustic paramagnetic resonance on nuclei 893
14. Experimental investigations of acoustic paramagnetic resonance on nuclei 894
15. Shape of the acoustic paramagnetic resonance line 895
16. Pulse methods for investigating acoustic paramagnetic resonance 897
17. Double resonance. Possible applications of acoustic paramagnetic resonance 899
18. Nonresonant paramagnetic absorption of sound 900
19. Conclusion 902
Literature references 902

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PACS: 43.35.Xd, 76.30.−v (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1962v004n06ABEH003392
Citation: Al’tshuler S A, Kochelaev B I, Leushin A M "Paramagnetic absorption of sound" Sov. Phys. Usp. 4 880–903 (1962)
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Оригинал: Альтшулер С А, Кочелаев Б И, Леушин А М «Парамагнитное поглощение звука» УФН 75 459–499 (1961); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0075.196111d.0459

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