





Special issue

S.I. Vavilov, the founder of the soviet school of luminescence

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1962v004n05ABEH003378
Citation: Feofilov P P "S.I. Vavilov, the founder of the soviet school of luminescence" Sov. Phys. Usp. 4 770–775 (1962)
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Оригинал: Феофилов П П «С. И. Вавилов — создатель советской школы люминесценции» УФН 75 277–286 (1961); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0075.196110i.0277

S.I. Vavilov is author of Physics-Uspekhi

Cited by (2) Similar articles (14) ↓

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  2. V.L. Levshin “The development of S. I. Vavilov’s ideas in the field of luminescence4 747–753 (1962)
  3. A.N. Nesmeyanov “S.I. Vavilov—Eminent scientist and leader of soviet science4 725–729 (1962)
  4. D.V. Skobel’tsyn “The outstanding russian physicist S. I. Vavilov4 737–739 (1962)
  5. B.Ya. Sveshnikov “The quenching of the luminescence of solutions by foreign substances4 776–780 (1962)
  6. I.M. Frank, V.L. Levshin, A.N. Terenin “The development of S. I. Vavilov’s work in physics4 730–736 (1962)
  7. I.V. Kuznetsov “S. I. Vavilov’s works on philosophy and the history of natural science4 754–758 (1962)
  8. 100th anniversary of the birth of S. I. Vavilov34 (3) 215–216 (1991)
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  10. A.G. Vitukhnovsky “Vavilov and FIAN: a perspective from 201659 1250–1257 (2016)
  11. M.V. Fok “Electroluminescence4 759–760 (1962)
  12. B.M. Bolotovskii “Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation: its discovery and application52 1099–1110 (2009)
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  14. I.M. Frank “Transition radiation and the cerenkov effect4 740–746 (1962)

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