





Reviews of topical problems

Spectroscopic studies of benzene

1. Introduction 584
2. Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of Benzene 584
3. Absorption Spectrum of Benzene Vapor 586
4. Absorption Spectra of Benzene Solutions 589
5. Crystallization of Benzene and Growth of Specimen Crystals 589
6. Absorption Spectrum of Benzene Crystals 591
7. The Davydov Splitting 596
8. Absorption Spectra of Crystals of the Deuterobenzenes and Their Mixtures 598
9. The Detailed Structure of the Absorption Spectra of Benzene Crystals 600
a. Supplementary Series of Polarized Bands 601
b. The Fine Structure of the Components of the Purely-Electronic Transition 601
c. The Fine Structure of the A1g → (B2u• E2g ) Transition 602
d. The Form and Symmetry of the Molecule in the Crystal 603
e. The Rashba Effect in Impurity Absorption 604
10. Conclusion 605
Bibliography 605

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1962v004n04ABEH003349
Citation: Broude V L "Spectroscopic studies of benzene" Sov. Phys. Usp. 4 584–606 (1962)
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Оригинал: Броуде В Л «Спектральные исследования бензола» УФН 74 577–608 (1961); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0074.196108a.0577

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