





Methodological notes

Free electron gas and electron—positron pair equilibrium in a magnetic field

 a, b, c,  b, d
a Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), Institutskii per. 9, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, 141701, Russian Federation
b Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya str. 84/32, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation
c National Research Nuclear University ‘MEPhI’, Kashirskoe shosse 31, Moscow, 115409, Russian Federation
d HSE University, ul. Myasnitskaya 20, Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation

The thermodynamic properties of electron gas under the extreme conditions of high temperature, high matter density, and/or a strong magnetic field largely determine the behavior of matter in upper layers of neutron stars and accretion columns of magnetized neutron stars in binary systems. A strong magnetic field in these objects makes the motion of electrons across the field essentially quantum. The possible electron degeneracy and relativism of electrons are also important. When studying accretion onto a magnetar in a binary system, the prolific generation of electron—positron pairs in the quantizing magnetic field should also be taken into account. We consider in detail the thermodynamic properties of a gas of free electrons in strong magnetic fields, taking into account their relativism and degeneracy, as well as the equilibrium creation of electron—positron pairs in a high-temperature plasma in the presence of a quantizing magnetic field.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2020.08.038827
Keywords: Fermi gas, magnetic field, Landau levels, electron—positron pairs, neutron stars
PACS: 05.30.Fk, 71.70.Di, 97.60.Jd (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2020.08.038827
Citation: Bisnovatyi-Kogan G S, Kondratyev I A "Free electron gas and electron—positron pair equilibrium in a magnetic field" Phys. Usp. 64 515–528 (2021)
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Received: 1st, May 2020, revised: 12th, August 2020, 21st, August 2020

Оригинал: Бисноватый-Коган Г С, Кондратьев И А «Газ свободных электронов и равновесие электрон-позитронных пар в магнитном поле» УФН 191 543–557 (2021); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2020.08.038827

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