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High-temperature superconductivity and the characteristics of the electronic energy spectrum

The possibility is indicated of applying the theory of superconductors with overlapping energy bands to describe the thermodynamic and electromagnetic properties of the high-temperature compounds La$_{2-x}$(Ba,Sr)$_x$CuO$_4$ and YВа$_2$Сi$_3$О$_{7-\delta}$. The two-band model was used to obtain high values of T$_c$, two energy gaps $2\Delta_1/T_c>3,5$ and $2\Delta_2/T_c

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PACS: 74.25.Jb, 74.25.Bt, 74.72.Bk, 74.72.Dn, 74.25.Op, 74.20.−z (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1991v034n08ABEH002466
Citation: Moskalenko V A, Palistrant M E, Vakalyuk V M "High-temperature superconductivity and the characteristics of the electronic energy spectrum" Sov. Phys. Usp. 34 (8) 717–728 (1991)
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Оригинал: Москаленко В А, Палистрант М Е, Вакалюк В М «Высокотемпературная сверхпроводимость на основе учета особенностей электронного энергетического спектра» УФН 161 (8) 155–178 (1991); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0161.199108f.0155

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